All the other ingredients, including water, have to be listed in descending order by weight. 所有其他原料,包括水在内,都需要根据重量依次降序排列。
Bananas are sold by weight. 香蕉是按斤两出售。
Since then, scientists have used veterinary-hospital records and breed-club surveys to refine the relationship further, by breed and by weight. 科学家们此后研究了兽医院的资料和繁殖犬舍的调查数据,通过不同品种和体重进一步确定年龄关系。
The on-site test shows that detection and processing of the system for non-standard behaviors existing in charging by weight exhibits an applicable value. 现场试验表明,系统对计重收费中存在的不规范行为的检测和处理具有使用价值。
All was handed over by number and by weight: and the weight was put on record at that time. 当时都点了数目,按着分量写在册上。
The package is charged by weight. 包裹是照重量收费的。
Using HTHP autoclave to study specialty of corrosion product film of anti-sulfur carton steel with CO2/ H2S saturated and effect of which on corrosion by weight loss, ESEM and EDS. 利用自制的高温高压釜,通过失重法、ESEM和EDS等分析技术研究了抗硫碳钢在高温高压CO2/H2S溶液中腐蚀产物膜特性及对腐蚀的影响。
The uniformity of thin melt-blown webs which is produced of low melting point copolyamide by melt blowing line with accessory device was tested by weight method. 采用称重法对在添加了辅助装置的熔喷设备上制得的以低熔点共聚酰胺为原料的热熔纤网的均匀性进行了测试。
By weight. 60 cents per pound. 按重量卖。每磅60美分。
The goods are charged by weight. 货物按重量计费。
Apples are usually sold by weight, and eggs are sometimes sold by the dozen. 苹果通常论斤卖,鸡蛋有时按打卖。
By weight, hydrogen produces the highest energy levels of any known fuel. 从重量上来说,氢在所有已知的燃料中是能量最高的。
Peace is never preserved by weight of metal or by an armament race. 和平不是借助大炮和军备竞赛所可以长期维持的。
They both contain the same amount of sodium chloride by weight, which means they contribute equally to total sodium consumption and have the same effect on blood pressure. 它们都含有相同重量的氯化钠,这意味著海盐和食盐含有同等数量的钠质,并且对血压都有相同的影响。
Based on the concept of function cost, a method of distributing the value to function property by weight is put forward. 基于功能成本的概念,提出一种按权值将装备价值分配到功能属性的方法,方便并(?)学地计算废旧装备的残留附加值大小。
Fruit and vegetables are sold by weight. 水果和蔬菜按重量卖。
Account for around three per cent by weight of all electronic waste. 在所有电子垃圾中,印刷电路板(PCBs)大约占据了全部重量的3%。
Carbon dioxide is also pumped as a liquid into high-pressure cylinders which are filled by weight. 还可以把二氧化碳泵入根据重量来灌装的高压钢瓶。
As we all know, the freight of the luggage is charged by weight. 众所周知,行李的运费是按分量盘算的。
Eggs are sold by weight. 鸡蛋按重量出售。
By weight in the starting price on the parcel count the money. 包裹在起步价上按重量算钱。
These symptoms may also be accompanied by weight loss, fever and difficulty breathing. 这些症状也可能伴随体重减轻、发烧、呼吸困难。
Parcel post is charged by weight and mileage, without reference to contents. 包裹邮递按重量和路程收费,不管所装何物。
Other commodities settled by weight or by capacity, length or area shall be prescribed separately. 其他以重量结算的商品和以容量、长度、面积等结算的商品,另行规定。